JRSO's Seatbelt safety winners
Modeshift Stars Silver Award was achieved in July 2021 and we are now in the process of submitting our Travel Plan to be assessed for the Gold/Platinum Award (one of the first schools in Thurrock).
Reminders regarding considerate parking, walking bus, walking routes including our walking bubble and health benefits from active travel are included in our Newsletter. We do occasionally receive parental and residential complaints regarding ‘inconsiderate parking’ outside the houses around the school vicinity. These complaints are always responded to as a matter of urgency and are followed up by work from our JRSOs (Junior Road Safety Officers), which includes them monitoring parking at the beginning and the end of the day (under the supervision of a member of staff). They are formidable and generally seeing them in their orange high-vis jackets works as a reminder to parents to park safely and with consideration. Stickers are awaded and assemblies and competitions are run by these impressive pupils in their roles as JRSOs. Preparation will take place for new Year 5 JRSOs before the end of the summer term.
A dedicated school governor works closely with our Travel Plan lead offering support and suggetions.
Bikeability takes place every year across year groups and is well attended.
During our Aspirations Week we were fortunate enough to have the police attend who proceded to offer important road safety tips to all pupils.
We have a Travel Plan page on our website which is dedicated to promoting travel alternatives and includes all current information.
We have taken part in ‘Walk to School Week’ (May) and extended this by including the ’10-day Active Travel Initiative. A daily email during our 10-day active challenge was sent to every teacher reminding them to celebrate the achievements of all the children who had participated.
We are aware that working parents/carers and the morning drop-off arrangements may encourage parents to drive, making it difficult to increase the number of children walking to school. We do remind parents that the local village hall has a car park as does the recreational area and parents are invited to leave their cars in either of these places and walk the rest of the way to school, giving opportunities for all children to take part in the planned activities.
JRSOs 2023-2024
We are delighted to announce our poster winner-Elsie Rose L whose fantastic poster will be made into a banner to display on our school gates.